Tomar Conciencia: Having a Conscience
“Tomar conciencia está de moda”
Hi JetlagAddicts,
That means: having a conscience is on trend! Have you noticed that?
As a designer and as an owner of a slow-fashion brand, I can’t believe that this is finally happening. After many years trying to support artisans around Latin America and after trying to explain that crafts and handmade pieces are the most special ones, I’m finally seeing a huge change in people’s minds. And this is beyond!
People are not only recycling their trash, they’re being more conscious about what they buy in general.
Having a conscious lifestyle is not an easy task, but we can do it slowly.
My very good friend and photographer Lina is an expert on this matter and she has been my mentor in many ways.
She grows her own herbs in her garden, she loves second hand clothes, etc. You can go as far as you want! But, I know we have to do our own process at our own speed, so start smart! One of the things I recommend first is eliminating disposable plastic bags from your life or, at least, when you go to the market. This how this whole post started.
These reusable bags are 100% handmade, super resistant and super cute. You can get your groceries and put them all inside these bags with zero waste.
On the other hand they’re sooooo cool that they are even on trend right now as a regular bag. Can you imagine how amazing the world is becoming?
Dress up, look incredible and grab your multiuse bag to conquer the world. You can find them in many colors, so have fun darling!
This is just one little suggestion to move your life towards a better direction. I’m going to start talking a lot about this, but it’s going to be step-by-step.
For now enjoy this wonderful tip and please let me know what you think about it.
Happy week!
With all my JetlagLove,
Carolina Baena
Photography by Lina Castañeda
Special thanks to Cayena Online for the incredible outfit, Vida la Vida Leather for the coolest shoes and the queen of the Day Lina Castañeda and her multipurpose bags.